⚫️ What is prediabetes?

🩸 When blood sugar is higher than normal but lower than the limits for diabetes, we have prediabetes. Prediabetes is not a disease but a condition with a higher risk of developing both diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

🧘 Prediabetes is reversible. By following a proper diet, increasing physical activity, reducing body weight, and, in some cases, with additional assistance through medications, prediabetes may not progress to diabetes, and normal blood sugar values can be fully restored.

⚫️ How to determine if you are at risk?

It takes only 1 minute to learn about your risk of developing prediabetes.

❗️ If the test result indicates that you are at moderate or high risk, it is recommended to take the following steps:

🧪 🩸 Test your fasting blood sugar;

🍏 🚴 Make healthy lifestyle changes;

👨‍⚕️ 🏬 Consult with your doctor.

Don’t wait to take action! Take the test now!

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